What We Wore

Throughout history, the clothes we’ve worn have been affected by the availability (and, at times, the legality) of fabrics. As new fabrics have become available, clothes have changed to make use of them. In our earliest history, clothing was merely practical – we wore what was available to keep warm, and covered.  But gradually, clothing […]


A while ago we visited Amberley Museum in Sussex, dedicated to the industrial heritage of the South East.  Amongst other things, we saw a couple of machines which I thought might be of interest. First, can you guess what this is for?  (Sorry it’s not the best of photos.  It was in a gloomy little room.) Here’s […]

William Morris

Fabric designers aren’t generally very well-known.  Who designed the fabric you’re wearing right now?? However, there are a few exceptions. Possibly the most widely-known name of all designers is that of William Morris.  ‘Everyone’ has heard of him and many would recognise one of his most iconic designs, Strawberry Thief:. Many people also know his […]

How is cotton made?

Cotton is all around us and so widely used that it’s easy to take it for granted. But what is it? Where does it come from? And how is it made? What is cotton? Cotton comes from a plant. It looks a bit like a tight cotton wool ball and grows around the seeds of […]