Designing your own fabric – colour

Colour is probably one of the most contentious issues in design.  There is an element of subjectivity, fashion plays a part, and, in the case of fabric design, the fabric itself can cause ‘issues’.

If you’re designing for digital printing, there is the added complication of transferring colours from a screen to fabric, which behave in very different ways.

So, if you’re planning to design your own fabric, which colours should you choose?  (You have 16 million to choose from on a digital printer!)

How can you make sure the colours you choose match existing colours, say on another item of clothing you want to match?

Why are the colours on the screen not replicated on the fabric?  What can you do to minimise disappointment?


I answer these, and other, questions in my new workshop, Next Steps in Fabric Design – Colour.

In addition, we’ll create a colour sample design and get it ready for printing, so you can check your colours before you complete your design and make sure you get exactly the colours you want.  You’ll have unlimited access to the workshop so you can go back to it whenever you need a reminder about any of the things we’ve covered.

The first workshop will be on February 9th, at the special price of just £10.

It will be live on Zoom at 8pm.

To join in, click on the button below.


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